Pomegranate Health Benefits For Wellness

A Bit Of Its History

Pomegranate and its color have been one of the most admired fruits that is know for its strong properties such as antioxidant, carbohydrates, rich in vitamins C, E, and B6. It also contains a significant amount of B1, B2, and niacin.

There is no Beta carotene in the fruit, (which is pro vitamin A). It contains the following minerals in great quantities; copper, iron, potassium.

It is noted that "this fruit has been the object of great fascination particularly in Oriental cultures and is described as the tiny beads of fruits, full of precious juice, are brilliant as drops of blood or rubies."

From a spiritual perspective, quoted by Solomon the wise man who made a comparison of the "cheeks of his beloved to the three thousands years ago."

This exotic fruit with its scarlet blossoms is originated from the Near East, and from that point it dispersed throughout the Mediterranean. It can be found in Countries such as Iran where it is grown in great quantities, Turkey, Mediterranean countries, also on the American continent including Brazil and California

How To Prepare And Use The Pomegranate

  • The Natural Aspect Of The Fruit

In comparison with other fruits, it is noted to be among the most easily stored fruits after it is harvested. After it is picked from the tree it is ripens very well and said to have little or no effect on its nutritive values and properties. It can last for a long period of up to six months if stored in a cool dry place.

  • The Pomegranate Juice

The juice is very flavorful and refreshing. Extracting is very simple and easy by using a juicer or nutrition Juice extractor such as the Nutri-Bullet that is know for its unique features and characteristic of pulverizing and breaking the walls of fruits and vegetables.

  • Its Grenadine Syrup

You can make your own home made syrup grenadine syrup by cooking the pomegranate juice with sugar. This syrup can be stored for many months and can be used as a beverage, when by diluting it with water, or to even use it to flavor your fruit salads.

Undesired Anti-Parasitic Effect

If by any means the anti-parasitic effect has become undesired, you should remove the "internal Membranes" that separate the sacs based on the fact that it gets very bitter.

Some Non-Nutritive Components Benefits


There are some components of the fruit that are non-nutritive but contain very high health benefits and values. 

  • Citric acid

Citric acid plus other organic acids give the fruit a pleasant bitter-sweet taste, and also contribute to its beneficial effect on the intestine, also contributes to the restoration of the intestinal bacterial flora.

  • Tannins

Tannins are produced in small amounts and are found in the "Rind" of the fruit and also in the membranes that separates the seed sacs. The Tannins are said to have an "astringent and anti-inflammatory on the mucosa of the digestive tract."

  • Anthocyanins

The vegetable pigments with its reddish and bluish colors are of the Flavonoid Group and they act as antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substances in the digestive tract, they are also very potent antioxidants inside the cells. These substances also slow down or stop the aging process and any cancerous degeneration.

Properties of The Pomegranate

With the combination of the components mentioned above such as the; Citric Acid, Tannins, and Anthocyanins attribute the following properties to the pomegranate: Astringent, Anti-inflammatory, Vermifuge, Remineralizer, Alkalizer, and depurant.

These properties make the Fruit very effective and useful in the following areas: 

  • Excess Stomach Acids

It helps to reduce the production of gastric juice and also reduces inflammation when the stomach is irritated. This process takes place because of its astringent action.

  • Metabolic Disorders

In the case of a gout, excess uric acid, and obesity, the pomegranates are of very high value. This is because of its alkalizing and depurant effect.

  • Hypertension

It is very rich in potassium and as a result of the absence of sodium, those who suffer from hypertension can benefit greatly from it. Both numbers of systolic and diastolic pressure are avoided with the help of this fruit.

  • Iron Deficiency Anemia

A Significant of of copper - 70 ug/100 g - it is referred to as a trace element that facilitates the absorption of iron.

Nutrients And Phytochemicals

The seeds of pomegranate contains 12% of the Daily Value of Vitamin C, and 16% of the daily value of Vitamin K for every 100g of serving. It contains polyphenols namely; flavonoids and ellagitallins.

The seeds are a good source of dietary fiber and is found in the edible seeds. If you throw out the seeds,  you will be you will be discarding the nutritional health benefits that is contained in the seeds fiber and micro-nutrients.

It is also an excellent source of antioxidant that eradicates and blocks free radicals, and expels toxins from the body.

Pomegranate Composition
Per 100g of Raw edible portion

Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Total Fat
Saturated Fat

|                 |                    |                 |

1%             2%                 4%           10%

% Daily Value (based on a 2000
provided by 100 g of this

68.0 kcal - 283k g
0.950 g
16.6 g
0.600 g
0.030 mg
0.030 mg
0.030 mg NE
0.105 mg
6.00 ug
6.10 mg
0.550 mg a-TE
3.00 mg
8.00 mg
3.00 mg
0.300 mg
259 mg
0.120 mg
0.300 g
0.038 g
3.00 mg

            |                     |                     |

           20%              40%              100%

calories diet)

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By Using An Extractor You Will Discover:

1. The Power of Cellular Health Nutrition for wellness is the Life-Line to Optimum Health.
2. How To Use Raw Fruits And Vegetables As Natural Healing Foods For Ultimate Health.
3. How to take control of your health using Natural Healing foods for health and wellness

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