Emotional Healing For The Mind And Body

Emotional Healing is not frequently discussed even though it affects a wide spectrum of people across the globe. It is a very common condition relative to the fact that all humans share basically the same characteristic and traits in terms of make up regardless of cultures and geographic location. 

In essence, all humans are subject to the basics of life that allow us to function on a daily basis with these innate variables that are the dynamics and driving force that augment our existence. 

Also if they are not given due consideration by taking corrective measure and action, it could lead to unfavorable result and a state of insanity.

These conditions are not normal and can just happen over night, but it is a gradual process that accumulates when left unchecked.

One of the paramount variables that should be immediately addressed and invoked on the recognition of this state of imbalances, is the awareness that it does exist and affecting you in a debilitating way.

At this juncture, you must bring your mind into focus, subjection, and accept the fact that you now have to take decisive action to achieve emotional healing.

When these symptoms are activated, they should not be taken for granted or ignored because they seriously interfere with our God given ability to function on a normally daily basic, thereby triggering adverse effect such as:

  • Disturbing the Equilibrium level mentally thereby disturbing and creating insanity of the mind.
  • inability to coordinate the thought process and strike a balance to obtain the desired result.

At this point, it is time to take corrective action by identifying the reason that is causing it, and implement strategies to reverse it.

A combination of factors are the root cause that contribute to the symptom know as emotional stress. It is also the cause and reason for creating such a great demand for emotional healing.

When these contributory factors are analyzed, they are  identified as:

  • Situation that affects an individual state of mind that he or she cannot would like to solve but cannot immediately reverse.
  • Decisions that adversely impacted the individual's of mind resulting in an imbalance state of mind.
  • An individual's inability to resolve a problem that exist from a bilateral point of view and requires mutual concession which is not forthcoming.
  • Intolerant of frequent rivalry that confronts him or her on a daily basis  beyond one;s control with a desire to dispel it but rather difficult.
  • A relationship that is not progressing in a favorable way, or going in the right direction, and as a result generates instability.
  • Mood swings and Instability that render the individual incapable of making rational decisions
  • Equilibrium level is mentally disturbed and unable to be productive

A constant disagreement between two parties or group that makes it difficult to amicably settle an issue or dispute.

How To Apply Emotional Healing To The Mind

There is a vast difference between Emotional healing and natural healing and they are not synonymous, neither are they interrelated, therefore should not be confused when treating both.

Special consideration and particular emphasis should be attributed to each specifically, when being treated, based on the fact that natural strength and emotional strength are different even though they coexist.

A person can be physically strong and in good health but emotionally weak interms of his or her physicalogical mindset.

Emotional healing for health and wellnessEmotional healing

A great example is the Bible story of Mighty Sampson the strongest man that was ever born according to the scriptures, and yet it was a little lady who played on his emotion  that cost him his life. In essence, his physical strength was subdued.

After his physical strength was gone it was here that his awareness sought after his emotion for emotional healing and then physical strength.

We can learn from this story that it is important to strengthen and nurture our emotions. We can also relate this concept to personal psychological development.

  • You are in charge of your thinking and also the benevolent judge of yourself to make all the decision that can transform your life.
  • You have to take decisive action by upgrading your brain and mind by assessing your personal standing and personality to determine if your are comfortable and satisfied with who you determine that you are.
  • Create and establish a positive mindset by thinking positively about the things that will make you a better person and believe that you can achieve them.
  • Let go of past things that contributed to your life in a negative way and making a 360 degree right turn and start focusing on the future things that you would like to achieve.
  • Always remember that the past cannot and will not help you to achieve your goals because you can only use them as stepping stones. Each stone you step on is left behind as you go forward through the emotional healing process.

Emotional healing will help you to rethink and make informed decisions that will contribute to your well being, a state of balance, stability, and a high level of sanity on the mind. 

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